One of my favorite things in the world is sparkling water. Calistoga. Perrier. Safeway Club Soda. It doesn’t matter—they are all lip smacking good in my book. That’s why I was thrilled when SodaStream launched their sparkling water maker a few months ago.
A few years back my girlfriend bought me a seltzer water maker, but it was a piece of junk. It took two CO2 cartridges per batch and the water was only slightly fizzy. Not so with the SodaStream. I make two one liter servings per day (one for work; one in the evening) and the refillable cartridge typically lasts about a month. Plus, with the “pump it yourself’ option you can decide how much fizz is right for you.
There’s a number of different product options to choose from: I went with the plain jane (a.k.a. Genesis), but there is many options to select from. My
The company also offers a number of flavor options if you want to make your own root beer, diet coke, etc., but I like the regular sparkling water. So, how does a frugal MBA justify a $100 soda maker and $17/month CO2 cartridge refills? If you are a soda drinker your fix likely costs you a dollar/day (lets be honest, its more). If you sub in sparkling water, your purchase will pay for itself in about nine months. Plus your SodaStream concoction doesn’t need to have any calories. Cost-effective, healthy, and less wasted plastic—a cost-conscious MBA trifecta!
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